The Novel Book- Mrigajal Ch -15

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This Novel in English

Mrigajal Ch-15

वाचा काही निवडक प्रतिक्रिया - प्रतिक्रिया 
Read Novel - कादंबरी - मृगजळ on Android - Google Play Book Store
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- Romantic, Drama psychological thriller -
Based on a true story 
An article about this novel in an international journal - The Criterion

Sometimes reality is more dramatic than a fiction

Quote of the day : We are made wise not by the recollection of our past, but by the responsibility for our future.
.... George Bernard Shaw

This Novel in English

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  1. Sir please lavkar navin chp. post kara

  2. i'm excited now............ plz post the novel soon

  3. plz lavakarat lavakar navin ch. post kara...aata utsukata khup nadhali aahe...plz...
