Marathi katha kadambari - ENovel - CH-29 यू आर जिनियस

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The Romantic, suspense, online Marathi Novel registered with FWA.

वाचा काही निवडक प्रतिक्रिया - प्रतिक्रिया

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Valuable thoughts -

In any free society, the conflict between social conformity and individual liberty is permanent, unresolvable, and necessary.

----Kathleen Norris

जवळ जवळ मध्यरात्र उलटून गेली होती. अतूलच्या खोलीचा लाईट बंद होता. .

'' यार अतूल ... यू आर जिनियस'' आता अलेक्सच्या अंगातही उत्साह संचारला होता.


Valuable thoughts -

In any free society, the conflict between social conformity and individual liberty is permanent, unresolvable, and necessary.

----Kathleen Norris

Marathi romantic novel, Marathi suspense stories, Marathi entertainment, Marathi books, Marathi katha, Marathi kala, Marathi thought, Marathi society, Marathi suvichar, Marathi gani, Marathi kadambari

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  1. i want to read the next story... it is very interesting ... where is vivek toh punha anjali la bhetato ka...

  2. i want to read the next story....but how?

  3. I'm waiting for next part of story..... its very intersting

